Thursday, February 12, 2009

Susie posed this question on her blog... here is a quick exert of one of the areas that she could she a need for "Citizen Service Platform (CSP) allows government agencies to build and deploy citizen service solutions, with “building block” templates designed to meet a variety of government needs, including:• Communications applications• Citizen portals• Web spaces" taken from Susie Adams post on FutureFed. For the full article go to .

I love that our administration is going to be modernizing or maybe better socializing the way citizens and the government interact. The first thing that comes to my mind, usually when I think about the Federal government, taxes. What are some interesting ways that we (citizens) would like to change how we interact with the federal government? I would love to be able to understand the status of my social security without getting a letter in the mail (maybe I can do this today?), get a history of the taxes that I have paid, how different tax codes have benefited others in my tax bracket, get involved with the new administration's programs, maybe connect with resources to help me make decisions. This is an easy segway into the variety of technical solutions that could be developed or utilized to bring this to fruition. This is my initial thought after reading her article, but I will likely re-visit it many more times, once I have had a chance to truly digest the changes that are on the horizon.

What are your thoughts and what would you benefit from?

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